Author Archive: Bhavana Gupta

Oldest thing I own is my body :)

I looked around and found that everything I own was built after I was born. So, this perfectly running machinery, eating, breathing, thinking, digesting, eliminating, is what I feel the oldest thing I use all the time. I am always amazed to even look at this system God has blessed us with. A few years …

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Bye bye IT field!!

More than 12 years have been passed since I quit my job of a software engineer. I was about to get married and this was a perfect opportunity to switch my career. Where I wanted to go instead? Truly speaking, I had no clue. All I knew was – IT was not where I could …

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Can PCOS be cured?

A burning question among many many women, in India, and all over the world. I have suffered from PCOS for more than 15 years. My periods were irregular. I had facial hair and gained weight in between which stayed with me for 6 years. Yes, now I am free from everything. I am slim, healthy …

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Is USA a better place to live?

If an Indian wants to maintain the roots and not want the child to become American, India is the place to get this done easily. Here is my experience after spending more than 6 years in the USA: “India is such a beautiful country with so many trains, beautiful flowers, and people around. Papa, why was …

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Brighter Minds FAQs

What is Brighter Minds? Brighter Minds is a well researched method to help kids excel in anything they do. At Brighter Minds, we train the brain to utilize its maximum potential, along with teaching core human values like love, empathy, and balance. Is there a science behind it? Yes, Brighter Minds is based on a …

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Why Brighter Minds?

Some kids were playing outside when I went out on an evening walk. I noticed one mother instructing her 5 year old boy, “You stand here and throw ball like this”. I was shocked and surprised at the same time. What was she trying to do? Was she helping him win or stopping him from …

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A page of my Diary

Sep 2019, 5.30 PM I am sitting in my chair in the bedroom. Window curtains are drawn up. I am watching the tree outside the window. Leaves are dancing as the wind blows, then wait to dance again when wind stops, still, as if they were never shaken before. Sunlight falling on them, making them …

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What if I get late?

Time was 8.50 AM and we were already late for school.. at least for car pool lane. I watched him nibble on his omelette, pinching and eating red bell pepper pieces, his favorite vegetable. “Should I ask him to finish quickly or leave food if he cannot eat soon enough? Shall I try to feed? …

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Live Like A Pro

Today’s life is full of variety, too many options everywhere; whether you look for a good shampoo or a recipe, there are just too many of them. Then you want to choose the best, so you go to Google. Does google help? I don’t think so; there also you find overload of information. You keep …

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Open Yourself

Everyone is familiar with two symbols 🙂 and 😦 Although there is very little difference in the formation of these, we can easily identify that the 1st one is smiling and the second one is sad. I look at these from a little different angle and find that the 2nd one says “I am closed …

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