Brighter Minds FAQs

What is Brighter Minds?

Brighter Minds is a well researched method to help kids excel in anything they do. At Brighter Minds, we train the brain to utilize its maximum potential, along with teaching core human values like love, empathy, and balance.

Is there a science behind it?

Yes, Brighter Minds is based on a concept called ‘Neuroplasticity’. The brain is highly moldable, especially in children — as they grow, the kind of external stimuli they are continuously exposed to, shapes their cognitive functioning. Brighter Minds use different methods to develop what is lost otherwise. You can read more about it here:

What methods do you use?

We use a combination of Breathing exercises, Relaxation, Eye exercises, Brain exercises, and music with blindfold activities to stimulate the whole brain.

How do blindfold activities help?

We are trained only to see with our eyes. We lose intuition and perception because we don’t use them. With the blindfold activities kids learn to ‘feel’. This makes them ‘intuitive’ and creative, and gives them confidence.

What is the duration of the course ‘Alpha’?

It is conducted over 8 weekends. First 2 classes are 4 hours each and happen on a Saturday and consecutive Sunday. Rest 7 classes are 3 hours and conducted once a week.

The class duration is really long – 4 hours and 3 hours, will my child sit for this long?

I am taking online and offline classes and kids enjoy through out. It’s not math or science or writing, it’s fun for kids. The class is made up of multiple modules of 10-15 minutes activities. So, actually kids don’t get any time to get bored.

Will my child be able to do blindfold after the program is over?

Well, most of the kids get it in initial sessions; some take longer; and there may be some kids who do not master the blindfold in 2 months. Continuing the practice after the program is over helps in such cases. As a trainer, I am here to take care and do my best, and I assure you that your child will be benefitted from the program irrespective of mastering the blindfold. Also I will be available to assist even after the program is over.

What are the main benefits of the program?

Brighter Minds works on the overall personality of the child and helps them improve their

  1. Focus and Confidence (Kids learn to act with their knowledge and perception)
  2. Observation (Kids learn to pause and think before taking an action)
  3. Creativity (They learn to come up with new ideas)
  4. Emotional Intelligence
  5. Learn to stay calm in any situation
  6. They become more social
  7. Kids express themselves better
  8. Concentration span improves
  9. They understand the concepts faster than before
  10. They learn to find their own decisions and hence become more independent

There are other similar programs being offered by other organizations. Is your program different than them?

Other programs are offered for very short durations – max 10 days; kids may not master the techniques or lose what they have learned. Brighter Minds Alpha is an 8 weeks program, so their learnings can get hard wired in their brain and personality changes become permanent.

I stay really far from a center. Should I go for online session?

If the answers to below questions are ‘yes’, please feel free to opt online. For majority of kids online works as good as offline.

  1. Transportation is a problem.
  2. You child follows instructions without any help.
  3. You are willing to help with blindfold activities during the session.

I have decided to enroll in next session, should I do any preparation?

There is no as such preparation is required, however, if you can do the following for next 3 months (or more), it will be beneficial for your child:

  1. Avoid/Minimize junk food.
  2. Avoid/Minimize any kind of digital engagement.
  3. Spend more time with your child, talk to him about his feelings; encourage him to tell him how is day was, what games/interests he has etc.
  4. No pressure of any kind of performance. Kids are like flowers, let them bloom on their own while you provide the love and care and enjoy watching them.
  5. When the program starts, participate in his practice. Trust me, it will help you as well.

Any specific recommendation for parents?

If you have been meditating, make it more regular. If you have never tried, this is the time to experience peace and calmness within you. You can follow your own method or find your nearest Heartfulness trainer/center here: Don’t worry about your pocket, Heartfulness has always been and will always be free!

I recommend reading book ‘The Wisdom Bridge’ written by Heartfulness Guide Shri Kamlesh Patel. He has shared all ancient wisdom of parenting along with modern researches. This book will be helpful for any parent.

Also please keep yourself open when your child does the program. As I said, the result will vary in kids and may take time for some. Just enjoy the program with them 🙂

And you also make the necessary changes like avoiding digital content etc. Remember: Kids Mirror Us.

My child loses focus while studying, will this program help?

Definitely! Brighter Minds programs are designed to help kids understand any subject quicker, better and retain for longer. Hence their focus and confidence both get boosted in any activity they do, studies or sports or arts.

Have you seen kids for whom the program didn’t work at all?

These program works for every child, though the results show up sooner for some and later for others. More loving and peaceful environment at home, quicker the child progresses.

What are the courses you offer?

For kids, we offer ‘Alpha’ – beginner course, Alpha+ advanced course. For adults we have ‘Restart’ – to help improve cognitive skills. For more details, visit:

Did you child do Brighter Minds? How’s your experience as a Mother?

Yes, my son is 8 years old and I took him in my first batch in Sep 2022. It was very difficult to train my own son. He learnt all brain exercises but didn’t show much interest in blindfold activities. Let me confess that I wanted him to become a Brighter Minds performer and I felt disappointed initially when he didn’t show interest.

Then I prayed and let go any of the expectations I had. It took time, almost 6 months for me to see visible changes in him (program continues to work even after classes are over). Earlier he used to very rigid; now he listens and understands. He is a very calm, yet playful and intelligent boy. His anger is reduced and observation increased significantly. Recently he has started doing some intuitive stuff as well. In short, it has been a unique journey and learning experience of being a trainer and Mom at the same time 🙂

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